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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783540346777
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 371 S., 8.61 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2006
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The accompanying ecological research for using wind energy in the German North and Baltic Seas is part of a series of research projects in the German Government's Investment Programme for the Future. It has brought out a variety of results about possible effects on the marine environment. This book provides an overview of the state of the accompanying ecological research in Germany. The main objective of the book is to show the relevance of the new results of these research projects for the planning and permission process for offshore wind energy plants.

This book was kindly supported and funded by:Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)andJülich Research CentreThe Project Management Organization Jülich (PtJ)


Prof. Dr. Johann Köppel teaches and researches as head of the Department of Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment at the Berlin University. The main research topic of the department is in the field of environmental impact assessment (EIA).

Dr. Wolfgang Peters and Julia Köller are research associates at the department. They work in the field of environmental assessment methods and procedures.

Further information and details to the department and editors you will find under: www.tu-berlin.de/~lbp


Expanding Offshore Wind Energy Use in Germany.- Offshore Wind Energy Use.- Strategy of the German Government.- Legal Framework Conditions for the Licensing of Offshore Wind Farms.- Protection of the Marine Nature and Environment.- Ecological Research Initiated by the German Federal Government in the North and Baltic Seas.- Research on Marine Mammals.- Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): Investigation of Density, Distribution Patterns, Habitat Use and Acoustics in the German North and Baltic Seas.- Distribution of Harbour Seals in the German Bight in Relation to Offshore Wind Power Plants.- Research on Marine Mammals Summary and Discussion of Research Results.- Research on Bird Migration.- Bird Migration and Offshore Wind Turbines.- Research on Resting and Breeding Birds.- Possible Conflicts between Offshore Wind Farms and Seabirds in the German Sectors of North Sea and Baltic Sea.- Research on Fish.- Distribution and Assemblages of Fish Species in the German Waters of North and Baltic Seas and Potential Impact of Wind Parks.- Research on Benthic Associations.- Benthos in the Vicinity of Piles: FINO 1 (North Sea).- The Impact of Wind Engine Constructions on Benthic Growth Patterns in the Western Baltic.- Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Marine Organisms.- Technical Analyses.- Installation and Operation of the Research Platform FINO 1 in the North Sea.- Standard Procedures for the Determination and Assessment of Noise Impact on Sea Life by Offshore Wind Farms.- Collisions of Ships with Offshore Wind Turbines: Calculation and Risk Evaluation.- Planning Aspects.- Environmental Impact Assessment in the Approval of Offshore Wind Farms in the German Exclusive Economic Zone.- International Ecological Research.- European Review of Environmental Research on Offshore Wind Energy.- Conclusion and Perspective.- Conclusion and Perspective.

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