Andean Archaeology III

eBook - North and South

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9780387289403
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 523 S., 20.84 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2006
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The third volume in the Andean Archaeology series, this book focuses on the marked cultural differences between the northern and southern regions of the Central Andes, and considers the conditions under which these differences evolved, grew pronounced, and diminished. This book continues the dynamic, current problem-oriented approach to the field of Andean Archaeology that began with Andean Archaeology I and Andean Archaeology II. Combines up-to-date research, diverse theoretical platforms, and far-reaching interpretations to draw provocative and thoughtful conclusions.


Part I: Introduction: Regional Patterns.- Part II: The North: Introduction.- Americas First City? The Case of Late Archaic Caral.- Religious Warfare at Chankillo.- The Vicus-Mochica Relationship.- Competitive Feasting, Religious Pluralism and Decentralized Power in the Late Moche Period.- Northern Exposures: Recuay-Cajamarca Boundaries and Interaction.- Chimu Craft Specialization and Political Economy: A View from the Provinces.- Part III: The South: Introduction.- Early Village Society in the Formative Period in the Southern Lake Titicaca Basin.- The Emergence of Complex Society in the Titicaca Basin: The View from the North.- Redefining Plant Use at the Formative Site of Chiripa in the Southern Titicaca Basin.- Ritual and Society in Early Intermediate Period Ayacucho: A View from the Site of Nawinpukyo.- Missing Links, Imaginary Links: Staff God Imagery in the South Andean Past.- Water, Blood and Semen: Signs of Life and Fertility in Nasca Art.- Burial Patterns and Sociopolitical Organization in Nasca 5 Society.- Violence and Rural Lifeways at Two Peripheral Wari Sites in the Majes Valley of Southern Peru.- Suspension Bridges of the Inca Empire.- Part IV: Conclusion: Rethinking the Central Andean Co-Tradition.- Index.

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